The Governance of our Foundation

The JW & M Cunningham Foundation is a Private Ancillary Fund with St Vincent’s Curran Trustee Ltd as Trustee. 

For further information, please contact Shanthini Naidoo, Secretary of the J&M Cunningham Foundation here.


The Trustee Members of the JW & M Cunningham Foundation offer governance support and review activities to ensure the Foundation’s operations are efficient, coordinated and effective.

St Vincent’s Curran Trustee Ltd Trustees

Charles Curran AC (Chair)

Sister Margaret Beirne rsc

Monsignor Tony Doherty AM

James Dwyer AM

Belinda Hutchinson AC

Sandra McPhee AM


The Board provides oversight of the strategic direction and financial management of the JW & M Cunningham Foundation.

St Vincent’s Curran Trustee Ltd Board

Selwyn Black

Jeremy Byrne

Glen Frost

Richard Haddock AO (Chair)

Maggie Liu

Anna McFadgen

Louise Walsh

Advisory Committee:

The Advisory Committee for the JW & M Cunningham Foundation advises the Trustee on how it wishes payments and grants to be allocated. It ensures the objectives of the JW & M Cunningham Foundation are protected and promoted in perpetuity.

The current Advisory Committee includes:

John Cunningham AM SCM

Margaret Cunningham AM

Charles Curran AC (as Chairman of the Trustee)

Richard Haddock AO (as Chairman of the Board)

Shanthini Naidoo (as Company Secretary)

It may also include family members and associates.